Friday, October 3, 2008


So I went out for a run after work today. Hadn't yet decided exactly how far I was gonna run. Round mile 3 I was deciding whether to push for a quick four, or go for another loop and do an 8er. I'm running cross an intersection, when a car decides to turn left in and totally clip me.

I'm watching this as I am running thinking, "Holy shit, this guy doesn't see me, he's gonna hit me." He's looking the complete opposite direction through his sunglasses when his side view mirror passanger side hits my left elbow, and i have the edge of my left foot run over . The mirror swings in. I don't know if its a luxury car and they are meant to do that or its the force of him turning right into me. I stop for a second looking down at myself making sure i am okay. My elbow is throbbing and bleeding pretty nicely. My foot doesn't hurt too bad though. He's 25 yards down the street when I shout out "Come on man!" or something equally dumb. He screams back, "I didn't see you!" I scream back something to the effect of "JC, fuckin look man whats wrong with you." (I need to go to confession) I start running after him to try to get a lisence plate number or his name or something, and he drives off. Unreal.

I'm seriously still at the "what the fuck just happened?" point. I don't think I've ever been that angry in my life, save the time I found out my last girlfriend cheated on me. I drove around for 15-20 minutes up and down those streets trying to find that car, but to no avail.

Granted, it was gettin darker. Still, it's a situation where there was no excuse to not see me. And herein lies the problem with running in Norwalk CT. It's all roadrunning. There are no back trails, no bike or towpaths, just roads. Thats fine, and at times it's exciting. But going into a winter season, when I will be running in darkness quite often, while I am looking to be between 30-35 miles a week while training for Carlsbad, it's not ideal.


djwiersma said...

That sucks man. How's the elbow?

Anonymous said...

sorry dude, i saw some woman that looked like chewy running on the other side of the street. I was rubber necking before I heard the bump on my passenger mirror. I hope your elbow is ok.....but it'll cost you a couple hundred to fix my mirror. thanks.

scot said...

My elbow is fine. As of thursday it was still a bit sore. But nothing too bad, can't complain.

Anonymous, I'm coming to get you!!!