Thursday, September 4, 2008

Fuck This, I'm going running

Best employee quits? Check.

Two straight days of absolute shit meetings at work? Check.

A summons to appear in court to resolve a debt? Check.

Oh, can you throw 90 degree heat in there? Check.

Man the past few days have been absolutely brutal. Yesterday evening was spent pacing back and forth terrified about money. In between awful meetings today and a lengthy stressful conversation where I temporarily resolved financial issues, there was far too much on my mind.

Brooks Running has an ad campaign right now, "Run Happy" There are some ridiculous ads for that. Guys and gals running through a psychedelic wonderland with Thumper and Bambi in the background. It's a bit ridiculous. Not in a bad way. If it gets people buying shoes and getting on the road I ain't gonna fault them. But it surely doesn't have the catchy zeitgeist appeal of The Kip Winger Running Team's "Fuck This, I'm going running" does it?

This week, today especially, running was escape. Just thinking bout leg turnover and pace and how much the heat and humidity sucked was much better than thinking about the rest of everyday bullshit.

At least today I got my autographed copy of Brad Hudson's Run Faster in the mail for nailing Ritz's marathon time to the second.

Current Listening :: Nick Cave - No More shall we part

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those stickers get mailed to me today. Unfortunately, I've only had one reaction to the prototype I have taped to my back window..but it was from some overweight non-runner, so I turned up my music and looked away, pretending I didn't even notice him trying to get my attention about it. Gonna bring some to the Running Company just as soon as they arrive.