Monday, September 15, 2008

90 % of everything is 50% mental

Less than a week till the Philadelphia Distance Run. I guess I am feeling good. Lingering doubts from last weeks quad soreness has dissipated. I got in a final longish run on Sunday of 9 miles in ridiculous humidity, even for the morning. 3 miles of speed work today. 6 miles on Saturday morning. Probably two more 6 mile runs this week. While I won't quite have the aerobic base I had for the Indianapolis Mini, I feel confident enough to run and run well.

13.1 miles is a long way to run though, and a longer time for doubts to fall in. And that's will probably be the hardest part of this race. Sure adrenaline will carry me through the first 4-5 miles. Then there is the halfway there boost. But it's around mile 10-11 that I had my slowest mile in Indy. And part of me thinks I should be able to run my own pace and then use the last three miles as an adrenaline boost and just crush the last 5k. But, of course, it hasn't worked that way in longer runs, and it definitely hasn't worked that way in Indy.

I've tried to find what is that which I have been thinking of when I've run my best times, and when I've had my more productive long runs at race. And the thing is I have not been thinking about pace. Or form. Or some sort of negative split strategy. Instead, my mind has just been blank, or rather not thinking about anything connected with running. It just wanders.

The thing is, come race day there is no preparation that's left to be done. I can stretch, but that's it. Other than that, it's just a matter of enjoying the race. When I watched the Fam Run Like Hell video the thought was to look not of the race as a challenge of your training. Your training is already done. The race is just a celebration.

I've mentioned that Brooks Run Happy ad campaign a little while back and mentioned how I thought it was a bit silly. But really, come race day if it really is about a celebration, they may be onto something.


djwiersma said...

Hey Scot,

Quango from BS here. Good luck in Phili on Sunday! I look forward to comparing experiences. I'm also running with the final 5K hard plan.


Anonymous said...

TKWRT is go in PDR!