Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Today, it was a good day...

Sorry, el capitan but i had to steal a title of one of your posts.

I don't quite know if this qualifies as theory, but it seems that if you combine a nearly perfect 70 degree sunny day with some people inspired by Olympic fever you start seeing more runners on the roads. Honestly, I saw more people on my route today than I have seen ever. And, if you see someone ahead of you, you wanna catch them. And if you see someone running towards ya, you definitely don't wanna look slow, so you speed it up a bit.

This was a run I needed too. Sunday's 10 miler was a very encouraging sign, Monday's 4 miler was brutal. My legs just weren't there. A day off yesterday and today I ran my 6 a minute quicker than any time last week. There was a bit of a headwind on the way out, but it didn't bother me. I kept saying, if Usain Bolt can handle the headwind so can I.

You know, it's things like this that make you think spending $72 to register for Philadelphia Distance Run wasn't a bad idea. Or make you think that Spending $600 to go out to Carlsbad in January for another half is completely reasonable.

It almost makes me think even of buying a pair of racing flats. But, damn, I gotta tell you on my longer runs my Saucony Hurricane's are fuckin rockin the shit. They just feel a bit more stable for my long runs than my Paramounts, which are still rockin my shorter quicker runs.

Tegenkamp and Lagat freakin rocked Bejing. Heat winners. If Tegenkamp wins a medal I'm gonna be euphoric.

The drawbridge didn't even open.

I'd have to say it was a good day...

Current Listening :: The Breeders - Mountain Battles


Anonymous said...

haha, hell yeah, that was a great post.

"And, if you see someone ahead of you, you wanna catch them. And if you see someone running towards ya, you definitely don't wanna look slow, so you speed it up a bit." - this cracked me up. soooo true. i caught myself doing this a lot today.

but it's wrong to conjure up any reference to usain bolt. i hate him.

i'm gonna have to test run some hurricanes or something. what do you like better about them...the softness?

scot said...

I gotta admit, i've sorta come around on bolt. Not in the wow, I love that guy, as much as I am just amazed by him, and sorta wish the Philadelphia Eagles would try to sign him!

I have on and off knee issues, and for some reason it doesn't affect me as much in the hurricanes on my longer runs. I am running ine the Hurricane 9's though, and haven't tried the Hurricane X that Saucony just put out.