Monday, August 25, 2008

Running and Weights

A few weeks back I spent a day in Ocean City, New Jersey with El Capitan. We went on a boardwalk run (well, he sprinted while i tried to run a respectable pace). Needless to say our hair looked incredible. Best on the boardwalk. Running or walking on the boardwalk lends itself to seeing many people. And being the elitist, judgmental, and at times inseucre jerk that I am, it also leads to judging people. The thing I remember being most upset by were not slow people running. Or fat people running. That's okay. They are out there trying to better themselves. Good for them. What upset me most was the body builders taking up the whole running lane on the boardwalk. What, with their deltoids or trapezius and whatnot. It happens sometimes on the starting lines of races too. Give me some space, Arnold.

I remember El Capitan saying at one point afterwards or maybe beforehand, "Why are weightlifters running? You don't see runners like me in there lifting their weights!" For some reason that stuck with me and still makes me laugh.

So, I am working through Run Faster from the 5K to the Marathon: How to Be Your Own Best Coach by Brad Hudson and I came across a good quote...

Hill running is the only "weightlifting my runners do. They hoist no barbells or dumbells. They do some exercises to develop strength in their abdominal muscles and lower back, but thats it. Some other runners lift weights to build strength and prevent injuries. I believe short hill sprints achieve the same effect.

Fuck yeah. I think I like this guy's coaching style already.


Anonymous said...

we have the same brain!

first off..i forgot i said that. that IS some funny shit. proud of myself on that one.

secondly...the new running times has that same quote and i LOVED it! that quote was what made me decide to throw some hillwork into my training once a week.

let me know if the signed copy is better than the library rental. ;)

scot said...

i'll let you know if it's better once i get around to reading it. i've been too damn tired after work and runs to read much lately!!!