Monday, August 11, 2008

Race Report 8/9/08:: Southwest Cafe Sunset 5k Ridgefield CT

So, here we go. My first 5k race since last December. That's hard to believe when I think about it. In between then and now It's been all longer distances. The awkward distances 4 mile and 5 mile (go metric!!!) a few 10k's and the Indianapolis Half Marathon. But in the training, specifically in the week before this race I felt like I had a chance to PR. Several good training runs in the heat boosted confidence, and as I spoke to El Capitan in Indianapolis, I shared my confidence and enthusiasm. It was his birthday, and I was told I owed him a PR as a gift. As he was scheduled to run the Chicago Distance Classic on the 10th, it was set to be a big weekend for The Kip Winger Running Team.

I'll say this. 7pm race start times are a bit unnerving. I'd much rather race first thing in the morning. Errands filled the morning, but by 3pm, those were done, and I still had 4 hours before the race. Seriously? I don't want to eat too much, but I want to eat. I scarf down a falafel. I receive a call from El Capitan, in Chicago. And at 4pm I take a walk down to Dunkin Donuts for a prerace mocha. In the past week my training runs have been best, after a mid afternoon consumption of a mocha. Why not.

Ridgefield is about a 15 minute drive from my place. Ample time for 3-4 repeats of Iron Maiden's run to the hills as I drive to the race. I get there about an hour before the race, get my bib and commence stretching. It's a coolish night. Maybe 75 degrees. Still I pin the bib on my shorts in anticipation of shedding my white saucony singlet at some point during the race.

Warmup isn't going well. My legs feel heavy, no matter how often I stretch. No matter how many 1/4 mile jaunts I take or 100 yard sprints. I look around I see what seems to be some fast runners. I spot what looks to be some high school xc studs and a few other quick looking Caribbean cats. I decide I'm gonna line up behind them and have at it. I'll keep them within striking distance as long as I can and take it from there. My previous 5k PR is 21:54. 7:04 splits or so. I set a goal of 7 minute splits and a new PR.

The race starts and soon enough I am out at what feels somewhat close to a sprint. The high school xc kids are out in front and the Caribbeans. I stay with them pretty well out of the gate. At the 1k chalk mark on the road there isn't more than 10 people in front of me. I know that in reality, I have gone out far too fast and I will not be able to keep that pace. What I don't know is my actual pace, thankfully.

Before the race, I made a conscious decision not to wear my watch. As I talked to Information Director Mandi after the race about my time, we both were talking about the mental aspect of racing. For me, in the past, I've seen a time in my first kilometer, my first mile and been discouraged. If it was too slow, fuck. If it was too fast I feared an imminent blow up. So, to avoid this over thinking, no watch and just run. I knew after 1k I had less that 15-16 minutes of running to do to hit my goal, so let's do it. Thankfully there were no clocks or no people calling out times on the roads either.

There were only a few hills, and none were of the daunting variety. None at more of an incline than my normal 4-6 mile training loop. Yet at 3k, I was being passed by quite a few people. Do I hook under one of these cats, or do I run my own race? I went with running mu own race, and soon I was at the 2 mile mark and really felt good, feeling that a PR was within reach.

I was running on my own for a few minutes it seemed like. I had a group of 2 about 20 meters ahead, when I passed 4k. And I could faintly hear the mic at the finish line calling people in.

After 4k I was passed by a woman who looked to be in her 50's. Shit!!! What's more, she's breathing better than me and has a better stride. She says as she passes, "Wow that was a long 4k!" I'm thinking, two things. First, the obligatory, "What the fuck?" Second, "Not as long as this last kilometer!" But still I'm recognizing the roads and know that my turn into teh final stretch is coming.

At as I turn onto the road the 50 year old woman has opened up a 15 - 20 second gap on me. But i can start to see the flags for the finish. I start my kick. about 250 meters out. Eventually I hear them announce, "our 3rd place woman finisher!" And I don't feel as terrible about being passed. I don't have time to, cause as I see the numbers on the clock, I know if I finish strong I will PR. I finish off my kick and come through the line at 21:49. A new PR in the 5k by 5 seconds!! Not bad at all considering how I felt before the race.

I walk back to the car to get my phone El Capitan and tell him I succeeded in his birthday gift. I tell him I finished just behind the third place woman, and he mentions the possibility of an age group placing. I gotta admit, I was thinking the same, but didn't want to get my hopes up. Most those who finished ahead seemed 10 years older or ten younger. It didn't seem like a strong 30's race. At the same time, I was terrified of turning 40 since those guys were dusting me, not to mention the 50's female group!!!

The race was put on by Southwest Cafe, so there is a siesta, post race. And lo and behold I get a free beer. Fantastico! As they post results, I realize, holy shit! I need to stick around as I finished 3rd in the 30-39 male age group! And a coveted trophy/paperweight will be mine! I kid you not, it's a chile paper shaped plaque/paperweight. Pics of that to come!!!

Still, a PR and for the first time an age group placing! And that was just the beginning of the weekend for TKWRT as El Capitan finished with a half marathon PR in Chicago! A great weekend for the team, and now the only question that remains is whats next. Getting under 7 splits for a 5k (I already hate 7:01!) and training for the Philadelphia Distance Run on Sept 21 looks most likely. But we'll try to find a few races before then of course.

Final Results:: 21:49 (New PR); 7:01 splits; 28/128 overall; 3rd age group

Current Listening: Heavy Creatures - Loaded Sky

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hell yeah! happy birthday to me!

so i'm assuming you didn't win the trip to new mexico? crap.

anyways, awesome race. I know you have more in you too. way to go all out and not give a fuck. that's you bust PR's.

-kip spitz