Friday, November 7, 2008

Daylight Savings time is the witching hour.

I moaned to a friend earlier this week. Hell, just yesterday about a run. I got up Thursday morning for a quick sixer. It wasn't quick it wasn't good, it was more or less the shittiest run I've had in weeks.

Now this wouldn't have bothered me as much if I didn't feel like I was on a verge of a mini breakthrough just a few days previous. The weeks of the 12th and 19th of October were great for me. Back to back 30 mile weeks. I'd made a conscious decision to up mileage and to put an extra couple miles onto my long run. Both weeks I was pleased with my overall pace on my runs, my energy, and my confidence was going sky high.

Go to the final week of October and my mileage dropped off a bit. This sorta happens when you spend half the week drunk celebrating the Phils championship, going to both nights of game 5, and the parade. When I wasn't drunk, I was admittedly hungover, thus, long runs weren't happening. (Unless of course you count the several laps inbetween cars I did slapping high fives while drinking a free Natty Light and taking donations of champagne. While not quite ten miles, it was just as glorious.)Still I put in 18 miles and had my training PR's at 3 and 6 miles. Not bad for running hungover.

So I come off of all that to a week where I am dropping times, and I am thinking it may have to do with my increased mileage. But now suddenly it's getting darker 430 pm. What the hell is that? So I get in my long run on Monday on my day off. Another 10 miler and it goes great. Best 10 mile time I've had. Then a four miler. Not bad. I decide after looking at the weather to do my sixer on Thursday morning. And that was the shit run. Just awful.

This morning I woke up, and I wasn't feeling it. Memories of the bad run were too fresh and I put the run off until the evening. MUCH BETTER. Same sixer, same route, 2:40 quicker than just 1 morning earlier.

Thing is I just can not function before 8 am. If I am to be running consistently in DST through the winter, I will be running at night. In the dark, crossing through I-95 onramps 4 times total in the six mile loop from my apartment. It's just a matter of time till I get hit by a car. In the meantime I'll be gladly taking donations for reflective jackets.

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